I have recently returned from a really great teaching and ministry trip – I LOVE what I am so blessed to do!  (see photos below) The first stop represented the first time I was at YWAM DP in Belize for sixteen months.  I had a chance to teach in their DTS on Leadership and Discipling the Nations.  What a great group – and it was SO GOOD to see staff and friends I have spent so much time with over the years.
Then I had a great opportunity to spend a few days with my Mom and Dad, brother and sister (and a good part of their families) in Spokane on the way to YWAM Madison (Wisconsin) to teach in a Bible School for the Nations course. Â Again, it was really fantastic seeing good friends (Noah and Tracy and family) and spend great time with a super sharp bunch of students from around the world. These guys and gals are world changers! Â I taught on Deuteronomy, Joshua and Judges for eight days.
Then I jumped on another plane and headed east. Â After an overnight in Istanbul, I was off to Bishkek Kyrgyzstan to meet with an International University of the Nations leader (who I work with in Kona) and a really special ministry visit with a number of people who have been working in that nation for many years. Â Of the many highlights of our time there, one was certainly spending time in the mountains with local villagers who lived in a yurt drinking cumas (fermented horse milk) and enjoying some culturally rich conversation and time together.
After our time in Bishkek, we drove across the border into Kazakstan  and to the city of Almaty for a gathering of YWAM workers from across the region.  I was blessed to be a speaker at this gathering and in addition,  had a chance to encourage and spend great time with people from many nations from around Central Asia.  One of the highlights from the time in Almaty was learning that very recently, the very first full bible translation in the Uzbek language has been completed and the government of Uzbekistan is permitting one bible per household – a huge step forward for this rather closed nation.
Now back in Kona I continue to work on projects related to the next release of the SourceView Bible app – mostly in the research side of things; particularly projects involving original languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek).  I am so excited for the release of SourceView Bible App 2.0, hopefully this year!