A big thank you to everyone who participated in the, “Can you Guess” the country we are in!
We had a number of family, friends and supporters send guesses on countries from Mongolia to Myanmar. All over the world people were guessing where we are.
A big shout out to those who guessed correctly. We love hearing from the diversity of people we have meet over the years. People that guessed correctly ranged from former students from our Island Mercy days in the South Pacific, to staff at YWAM DP, to friends who crewed with us on the Anastasis in Africa to long time friends who support us in prayer and finances.
The country we are in, is… ISRAEL.
With our return home to Kona we felt the timing was now! We have been feeling for some time to visit Israel and had an opportunity on our way back from teaching and ministry in Nepal and India to spend a little time in this amazingly rich, holy and beautiful country. This time in Israel was to “spy out the land”. We have lots to share about some upcoming ministry opportunities here in Israel that may well include you! As we continue to seek the Lord for what our global roles look like as we serve in and through YWAM, be on the lookout for more information on how Chris and Lynn, our family, friends and supporters can join together to experience and share Gods love in this incredible country.
Chris and Lynn