Not long ago, we announced that we are in the midst of a transition between serving on the campus of YWAM DP in Belize to serving with YWAM globally (including YWAM DP) from Kona, Hawaii. This transition is well underway and going very well. We’re very excited about growing from starting and leading a very successful YWAM base to roles where we’ll have an even greater impact globally as we seek to be a part of ending bible poverty, bringing the gospel to the last, lost and the least and see God glorified throughout the earth.
We have identified four primary areas of transition. Here they are briefly:
1. Â Residence Repositioning
Would you please join us in prayer for the sale of our home on Whidbey Island in Washington State? This home has served as the US headquarters for YWAM DP and a place for us to come back to from time to time for rest and to see friends and family. When our home on Whidbey sells, we will get serious about searching for a home in Kona which will continue to provide a US office for YWAM DP and also become our primary residence.
2. Long-Term Presence for YWAM DP Property
YWAM DP currently leases 5 beautiful acres right on the beach in Belize. This property is perfectly situated for the ministry YWAM DP has been called to train and equip emerging leaders for effectiveness in ministry. As a campus of the University of the Nations, YWAM DP runs university accredited missionary preparation courses, conducts worldwide outreach and highly effective leadership training. The property is currently being leased and we are praying diligently about the possibility of ownership.
3. Â YWAM DP Leadership HandoffÂ
For many years we have been investing in young enthusiastic leaders, a number of whom have joined us on staff with YWAM DP. We have developed strong and healthy Eldership and Operational Leadership teams. As we continue through this transition and beyond, we will mentor these young men and women as they lead YWAM DP into the future.
4. Chris’s Studies Continue
One of the elements of not only our transition but the short term future is an answer to God’s call for Chris to continue his graduate studies. He has a Masters Degree in Intercultural Studies (Masters of Arts in Global Leadership) from Fuller Theological Seminary and will complete his second Masters Degree in Summer 2016.  This second graduate degree is a Masters in Theology with emphasis in Biblical Languages, also being done at Fuller.  The combination of these two degrees provides significant tools necessary for Chris to serve YWAM and the Body of Christ very well in his upcoming roles.
We ask for your prayers as we continue to work through these four transition elements. One frequently asked question has to do with timing.  We have said that we’ll go to Kona when the time is right – in other worlds, when the four transition areas listed above have closure and we sense the release.  Please don’t take this as an announcement, but we think we’ll be able to move to Kona in the Spring of 2016.
Any thoughts or questions you have about any of these areas, YWAM DP, YWAM globally, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to run them by us. Blessings and thanks for standing with us!
Praise God. We’ll pray the sale goes through!