A Family on the GO!
Hi Friends and Family,
As a result of much prayer, listening to the Lord and extensive preparations, the transition we’ve been talking about for a long time has come to its culmination. We are very excited to now be serving globally from Kona. Please read on and be updated on our family’s extensive travels and great work around the world.
Chris and Lynn- Belize, SoCal, KC, Kona, World
More than three years ago, we began hearing a few specific words that seemed at first like just a few dots on a much larger “dot to dot” picture. Some of the first words were “Kona” and then “Nomadic” and then “Global”. As we continued to press in to the words that we had been hearing and then received more ‘dots’ we came to understand more and more of the larger picture which represented a transition for us, and we continued to take steps of faith in the direction we felt lead.
Now that we are finally in Kona, we will both be learning much more about our roles both here and abroad. As a trained biblical counselor and teacher, Lynn will have ample opportunity put her skills and abilities to work both on the campus here and around the world. Passionate about God’s word, Chris will split time between traveling / teaching and working on various innovative projects aimed at ending bible poverty. We’ll update you on more specifics as we learn more.
Chris is very blessed to be one of 200 people from many nations who put over 40,000 hours into the truly amazing SourceView Bible App which has been designed to promote practically unlimited discovery of God’s Word. Chris will be very involved in developing new content for the app! Download it free for Apple and Android devices and begin to discover God’s Word in a whole new way.
Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sourceview-bible/id1114617271?ls=1&mt=8
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sourceviewbible

Jessie – Kona, Rio de Janeiro, Washington
Jessie (20) is currently in Kona about ready to complete the second of two photography courses offered by the University of the Nations and will soon have a degree in communications in media. As part of the School of Photography 2, Jessie had the amazing opportunity to travel to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during the Olympics for photo shoots of the missions teams there for that time. Jessie will return to Washington State and prayerfully gain additional photoshoots and get her name out there!