

2017 Brings a Whole Lot of New Things for Chris and Lynn 

  • New base location to serve through Youth With A Mission
  • New  roles to define and learn
  • New richness in the Lord
  • New place to lay our heads
  • New friendships to grow in
  • New challenges and growth
  • New training, teaching, bible research/projects, counseling and leadership opportunities to share
  • New countries to explore and connect 


  • New passports to break in.

The past 20 years serving in missions has been wonderful… so many memories, challenges and joys.  This current season, a continuation of our service with YWAM with a freshness and newness… well, let it be all for Gods glory.

As Chris and Lynn set out for almost a month’s worth of traveling: to teach, to counsel to love on those in need of Christ’s love, we appreciate your prayers. 

Belize. Nepal. & India. Also, a surprise mystery country we are visiting for ministry opportunities that quiet possibly could involve YOU.. in the near future!! 

Stay tuned for more info.Â