We first put the house on the market in July 2015 and were hopeful it would sell last summer – but it did not.  Then as the Fall and Winter have come and gone, we fought discouragement but we finally received an offer a couple of months ago.  The inspection, buyers financing, and everything else has come together and we have just signed the papers on the sale.  Needless to say, we are very excited about the fact that this major step forward in our transition has taken place and we’ll continue to work on the other elements.  Thanks so much for your prayers!  Please keep praying as we dive into a home search in Kona (from a distance), work on renewing the lease for the property in Belize, continue to see (and help facilitate) the YWAM DP leadership team mature and deepen in very exciting ways and the completion of Chris’ graduate schooling in September.  God is good!
That is such exciting news. ?Willie and I just booked tickets to come to Kona in October. Do you think that you will be there by then? We will be staying for two weeks. We would love to see you guys again. Let us know! God bless you ?